A Personal Note…..

A Personal Note…..

It’s hard to believe it has been 10 years since I stepped away from the corporate world and bet EVERYTHING I had on a new venture. At times, many colleagues thought was a risky or foolish idea. I knew nothing about the security business, but I certainly understood the...

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Top Three Ways To Save YOU Time

Top Three Ways To Save YOU Time

It’s more than jobsite security.  It’s YOUR time.  Time is money.  Here are our Top Three Ways we can save you time (and therefore money) with onsite cameras.  Mike Terry with MTE couldn’t agree more.  He uses one project manager for three...

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Top 5 Things that Get Stolen Off Your Jobsite

Top 5 Things that Get Stolen Off Your Jobsite

While jobsite security cameras’ main purpose is to PREVENT theft before it happens, most owners and contractors have experienced some type of loss.  Onsite cameras give owners the piece of mind that their equipment and job materials will not be tampered with or...

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Security Cameras Save Recycle Plant

Security Cameras Save Recycle Plant

This Recycle Plant has been using 24/7 Onsite Cameras Security Cameras to monitor their site for several years. At about 4am - 24/7 Onsite Cameras witnessed a fire break out in a pile of product very close to the plant. The monitoring company dispatched the fire...

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